Why is 'catastrophic cancellation' called so?

Solution 1:

The root of the evil is that calculators work with a finite number of digits (well, we can't afford machines with infinite resources yet). When you want to represent real-life numbers, some can be huge, some can be tiny, and this raises an issue.


If the decimal point is fixed, you can' represent them all, there can be so-called overflow or underflow; and for intermediate orders of magnitude, you lose significant digits.

For example, using the $5.5$ fixed-point representation, $127500.$ and $0.0000096695$ cannot be represented, and $\pi=3.14159$ just uses six significant digits, four positions are wasted.

The floating-point representation solves these problems by specifying the position of the decimal point, as in the scientific notation:

$127500.=1.275000000\cdot10^5, 0.0000096695=9.669500000\cdot10^{-6}, \pi=3.141592654\cdot10^0$.

Catastrophic cancellation:

(This concept is actually unrelated to floating-point.)

Assume you want to play with the approximation $\pi\approx355/113=3.14159292\cdots$.

If you want to take the sum with $\pi$, all goes well.


But now if you want to take the difference,


only three significant decimals remain. This is a catastrophy, because you started with nine figures and end-up with just three, and this is irreversible ! (Floating-point will not come to the rescue, $-0.000000135=-1.35\cdot10^{-7}$ still has three significant digits.)

This phenomenon makes some problems very difficult to solve numerically.

In some cases, catastrophic cancellation can be avoided. For example, when solving the quadratic equation


the classical formula says


Assuming you can only compute with five significant digits, using floating-point, you obtain

$$x=\frac{1000.00\pm999.99}2=999.95\text{ and }0.005,$$ where the second root is very very inaccurate.

You can get a much better estimate by using the fact that the product of the roots is $1$, and the second root evaluates to
