What is the female version of "phallic"?

I think @canadiancreed/Merriam-webster's yonic is a bit quaint. It certainly has a longer history, but that may be because its ancient Sanskrit origins give it a certain air of respectability. Vulvic is more common today, perhaps because we live in an age that doesn't pussy-foot around delicate subjects quite so much (if you'll pardon the double-entendres).

But if we were to allow whimsical neologisms, I'd have to go for male:phallic = female:phannic (which works better for Brits, since our fanny is always a front bottom, not a backside).

According to Merriam-webster, that would be the term yonic.

Lingam is Sanskrit and so is Yoni. Besides meaning male and female genitals, they represent represent spiritual concepts such as 'male' and 'female' aspect of godhead. If 'yonic' is female, then 'lingamic' if I can say so, is the male version. We have to look for or coin one for phallic.

Pudendal is the adjective version of pudenda, which means the external genital organs, especially of a woman.