How can I access system mail in /var/mail/ via thunderbird?

I've got cron jobs sending mail to my user at /var/mail. I know how to access that at the command line with the mail command. But, while a big command line fan, I do not like reading mail (even system mail) that way.

My mail client of choice is Thunderbird. Can I read /var/mail messages in Thunderbird? How?

I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 and Thunderbird (though I'm soon to upgraded to 10.04).

Solution 1:

In Ubuntu 10.04, with Thunderbird 3, the option is accomplished by:

  1. Select Edit,   Account Settings

    enter image description here

  2. Choose Account Actions,   Add other account

    enter image description here

  3. Select Unix Spool (Movemail).

    enter image description here

The UI to access this menu is slightly different in Thunderbird 2, but I didn't have it handy.

In Thunderbird 2, do the following, adapted from the Gmail FAQ:

  1. Click the Tools menu, and select Account Settings..
  2. Click the Add Account... button to launch Account Wizard.
  3. Select Movemail from the list.