How to block offensive wifi SSID?

Our five-year-old girl is enjoying Ubuntu at the moment - there are some great educational and entertainment applications available for kids. But a problem I have is that as she learns to use the mouse she has discovered the network-manager menu. As she is also learning to read at the moment, she is paying attention to new words. There is some pretty offensive stuff popping up from time-to-time and I would like a way to either:

a) Block one specific offensive SSID from appearing on the list of available (but secured) networks b) Automatically block any offensive entries by keyword.

Eventually, I think Ubuntu could really use something like this but in the mean-time - does anyone know how I could best achieve this effect without uninstalling network-manager?

Solution 1:

If your doughter users a separate user account, it would be possible to auto-kill the network manager applet only when she loggs in. That will remove it from the pannel completely, but will not affect an already established connection.

Managing network connection without the applet would be problematic, but if necessary, you could always restart is by pressing alt-f2, typing nm-applet and hitting Enter. To kill it again, run pkill nm-applet.

Now, to make it auto-kill, add a startup application, name it, for example, nm-applet-killer, and in the Command feild, enter the following:

bash -c 'sleep 30 && pkill nm-applet'

The sleep X part is the timeout in seconds, and can be adjusted as needed.

Solution 2:

You can refer to this question about hiding the network manager: Show/Hide either top panel or NetworkManager Applet from command line

Move the following file : /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop