How to boost mplayer (SMPlayer) sound (in Lubuntu)?

Solution 1:

Open SMPlayer, go to Options > Preferences. Under General, click the tab Audio.

There should be an option Use software volume control and next to it the maximum amplification. See this screenshot (my SMPlayer version is 0.8.3): enter image description here

Solution 2:

This is more of a complement to the question but it can stand as a partial answer or workaround.

Pulseaudio Volume Control (not installed by default in Ubuntu, to install go to pavucontrol Install pavucontrol ) would display the audio player/module that is runing and increase that.

So, VLC, already playing at 200%, can get a supplementary boost

enter image description here

And from what I see the sound is not distorted.

Also while playing SMPlayer.

enter image description here

This involves directly the mplayer module.

I guess that this solution can be added to the other answer (that i'll set as the permanent to the question "how to boost audio in smplayer").