Downscale a iMac 5K screenshot to 50% using commandline
- Open the Screenshot in Preview
- Select “Adjust Size…” from the Tools menu
- Change the Width and Height to 50 percent of the original
- Change the Resolution to 72 pixels/inch
I wish to do this on CLI with a generic command (percent, not actual width and height).
GUI instructions with Preview
Solution 1:
You can do it with imagemagick
by typing the following:
convert image.png -resize 50% -density 72 image.png
In order to execute the previous command you need imagemagick
installed on your computer. You can easy do it via homebrew:
brew install imagemagick
And, if you haven't homebrew, you can install with this:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Solution 2:
Take a look at the 'sips' command:
man sips
It is much simpler than GUI-scripting Preview and it's part of OSX. So you don't have to install anything. Example:
full_w=$(/usr/bin/sips -g pixelWidth image.jpg | /usr/bin/grep -Eo "[[:digit:]]+")
full_h=$(/usr/bin/sips -g pixelHeight image.jpg | /usr/bin/grep -Eo "[[:digit:]]+")
half_w=$(/bin/expr full_w / 2)
half_h=$(/bin/expr full_h / 2)
sips -z half_h half_w image.jpg