OS X 10.9 crashes after Xcode 3 installation

I've tried to install Xcode 3.2 on my MacBook Pro with OS X 10.9, but during the installation (when it's almost finished) OS X had a kernel panic and keeps crashing immediately after login.

Kernel Panic picture

Xcode 3 is required to build Android 2.3 from the source code. How to fix it?

Why not just install the latest version of Xcode?

Xcode 3.2 was originally released all the way back in 2009 and since it's a very technical product by nature, it's not really a surprise that it crashes on a OS that was released 5 years later.

If you really, really need v. 3.2, I'd suggest looking into virtualization (Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion are popular choices). You could then install Leopard (10.5) and Xcode 3.2 and compile via the virtual machine.

Xcode 3 shouldn't install on Mavericks, and if it does it definitely isn't supported by Apple.

To avoid the login crash try entering your login credentials, and immediately after pressing return, hold down the shift key to prevent anything from loading. IF that doesn't stop the kernel panic, then you will need to wipe, reinstall, and resort from your Time Machine backup.

The best bet for using Xcode 3 is to dedicate an old machine to running an OS that supports Xcode 3. From my notes it looks like that would Snow Leopard (10.6). Another alternative is, if your Mavericks machine is old enough to run 10.6, install that on a partition or a dedicated hard drive. I stopped working for a company this year that was still using Xcode 3 as the official compiler for release builds.

I agree with the other posts; installing down-level variants of Xcode on Mavericks is unfortunately a recipe for pain.

Better option than install a dedicated machine, why not run an OSX VM in Parallels / Fusion? At that point, to be honest you would be better off running a Linux VM and compiling from there - is there any reason why you can't do this?