How to view iPhone music history?

No, you can't see this on an iOS device. If you create a smart playlist like this, you can look in iTunes, after syncing your iPhone, to see what you've listened to.

enter image description here

This isn't a feature that's ever been directly included as a human readable list in iTunes, on an iPod, or any modern generation iOS device.

This information is stored in a machine readable format, which is used first for a song's play counts (viewable only in iTunes), but there is also software written to take advantage of this information, and send it to a 'listening history' service like

I've used a lot of scrobbling apps on iOS. Many have worked over time, but if you use iTunes Match, I highly suggest using CloudScrob. If you don't, there are a myriad of other apps in the iTunes App Store, you can find them by searching for 'Scrobble', 'Scrobbler', or ''.

Note that the official iOS app (iTunes) DOES NOT scrobble songs you listen to via the normal Music app on your iPhone, it will only scrobble songs listened to via's "radio" service. You still have to use a third party app (see above) to scrobble local song listens.

Yes you can.

  1. Launch any song in your Music playlist.
  2. Touch the name of the song now playing, which will take you to a song-specific screen, which may include album cover art.
  3. On that song-specific screen, tap the icon for the bulleted list, just to the right of the skip forward button. This will bring you to a list of upcoming songs, with the one you're currently listening to at the top. Except it's not really the top...
  4. Swipe the list down and you will see a list of all the songs you've played previously in reverse chronological order, just above the song you're currently listening to.

Go to music app and top right hand corner says history and it will show played music even from other apps