How to install erlang in Ubuntu 12.04?

Solution 1:

Here is how. Open a terminal and type

sudo apt-get install erlang erlang-doc

Solution 2:

You can find more up-to-date packages here (Ubuntu 12.04 has R14B04, while the latest version is R15B02). Download the appropriate package and run:

sudo dpkg -i esl-erlang_15.b.2-1~ubuntu~precise_amd64.deb

(adjust as appropriate for the 32-bit package)

Solution 3:

You will need to make this file executable (chmod u+x) and run it with sudo.

apt-get update
# replace libwxgtk2.8-dev with libwxgtk3.0-dev for Ubuntu 16.04
apt-get --fix-missing -y install build-essential m4 libncurses5-dev libssh-dev unixodbc-dev libgmp3-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libglu1-mesa-dev fop xsltproc default-jdk
mkdir -p /src/erlang
cd /src/erlang
tar -xvzf otp_src_R16B01.tar.gz 
chmod -R 777 otp_src_R16B01 
cd otp_src_R16B01 
make install