How to view huge text file via Vi or gedit

Don't use a text editor for viewing text.

There are better tools:

View files with less (Scroll with Space, End, Home, PageUp, PageDown; Search with "/something" ; Leave with q).

From less manual:

Less does not have to read the entire input file before starting, so with large input files it starts up faster than text editors like vi (1).


less wordlist.txt

Consider the use of less -n:

-n or --line-numbers:

Suppresses line numbers. The default (to use line numbers) may cause less to run more slowly in some cases, especially with a very large input file. Suppressing line numbers with the -n option will avoid this problem.

(thanks for suggesting -n option @pipe)

Use grep to get only the lines you're interested in:

# Show all Lines beginning with A:
grep "^A:"  wordlist.txt

# Show all Lines ending with x and use less for better viewing
grep "x$"  wordlist.txt | less

Use head or tail to get the first or last n lines

head wordlist.txt
tail -n 200 wordlist.txt

For editing text, refer to this question.

Often, just "grep" is enough to find what you need.

If you need more "context" around a particular line, then use "grep -n" to find the line numbers of the lines of interest, then use sed to print out a "chunk" of the file around that line:

$ grep -n 'word' file 
123:A line with with word in it 

$ sed -n '120,125p' file 
A line 
Another line
The line before
A line with with word in it 
The line after
Something else