What does the donation machine do?

I found a donation machine in a shop.


What does it do apart from take my money, if anything? I noticed it seems to break after a few coins.

Edmund explains it here, basically it slowly upgrades the store, sort of leveling it up to have more items, etc.

Donation machine can unlock certain items and upgrade your shop, allowing it to sell more items.

List of unlockable stuff:

  • 10 Coins: Blue Map
  • 20 Coins: Shop Upgraded to level 2
  • 50 Coins: There's Option (An Item)
  • 100 Coins: Shop Upgrade to level 3
  • 150 Coins: Black Candle
  • 200 Coins: Shop Upgrade to level 4
  • 400 Coins: Red Candle
  • 600 Coins: Shop Upgrade to level 5 (Last level for the shop)
  • 900 Coins: The Candle
  • 999 Coins: Stop Watch

In the Afterbirth DLC, you can also find the Greed Machine, which can unlock items and achievements. It appears after Ultra Greed Fight

List of unlocks from the Greed Machine:

  • 1 Coin: Lucky Pennies
  • 15 Coins: Special Hanging Shopkeepers
  • 33 Coins: Wooden Nickel
  • 68 Coins: Cain Now Holds Paper Clip
  • 111 Coins: Everything Is Terrible 2
  • 234 Coins: Special Shoopkeeper
  • 439 Coins: Eve Holds Razor Blade
  • 666 Coins: Store Key
  • 879 Coins: The Lost Now Hold Holy Mantle
  • 999 Coins: Generousity Achievement
  • 1000 Coins: The Keeper Is Unlocked! (It's a character)

In addition to upgrading the shop, you can also use a bomb on it to get some coins out of the donated money pool. Especially useful if you only need a few coins to buy that shop item.

enter image description here

It seems that using a bomb "destroys" some coins

I noticed that the number of coins donated remains from run to run, and when it reached 10 I got the secret "The Blue Map has Appeared in the Basement!" Hopefully this helps.