I play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and, at the moment, I'm rank silver 2. I usually get about 20 kills a game and I win about half of my games. When can I expect to rank up?

This answer is based on opinions from the community rather than facts provided by Valve.

The official answer would be: We don't know.

Kills do nothing when it comes to ranks.
The only thing that matters is whether you win or lose rounds.

Lose = you lose points (even with scoring an ace)
Win = you get points (even without killing anyone)

So if you're top scorer on your team and still don't manage to win more than you lose you'll have a hard time getting promoted. It's possible though.

How many points you get (or lose) depends on your current ranking (calculated in a system based on glicko2*), the sum of your teams points and sum of your opponents points, and whether or not you are MVP** in that round.

* Source
** MVP will be awarded to the best performing player from the winning team. Usually defined by good teamwork (Bomb handling, kills, assists,..).

From my understanding, the ranking system of CS-GO is not only reliant on your kills. This is of own experience and research when I asked myself a similar question.

When you have a high K-D ratio and a high value to the team (for instance winning a round for your team by planting or defusing the bomb or by getting the final kill and so on so forth). This can result in being the MVP, thus improving your point gain for that round. It works similar (if not the same) to the Elo point system.

If you want a heavily detailed description of how the system works I found my understanding from an article I found on the Steam Community site.

I hope this link helps: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=312582297

Best of luck man.

There is no way to know.

Most of the ranking system is a black box. Valve has not made anything other than the fact that they use a modified glicko-2 algorithm public.

It is theorized that your rank is modified on a round by round basis and not based on match wins/losses. It is also theorized that some of your stats and MVP stars are taking into account.