HTML - Newline char in DIV content editable?

Solution 1:

Set a style on the div: white-space: pre or white-space: pre-wrap


Solution 2:

To add some info on @Explosion Pills correct answer and extract some info from MDN:

The CSS white-space attribute is there to help:


white-space: pre

Sequences of white space are preserved. Lines are only broken at newline characters in the source and at <br> elements.

This might result in unwanted horizontal scrollbars as shown in the example!


white-space: pre-wrap

Sequences of white space are preserved. Lines are broken at newline characters, at <br>, and as necessary to fill line boxes.

As @ceremcem pointed out the line breaks at the end of the box will not be transferred when the text is copy-pasted, which makes sense since these line breaks are not part of the text formatting but rather of the visual appearence.


white-space: pre-line

Sequences of white space are collapsed. Lines are broken at newline characters, at <br>, and as necessary to fill line boxes.

  border: 1px solid #000;
.pre {
    white-space: pre;
   white-space: pre-wrap;
   white-space: pre-line;

<div class="pre" contenteditable=true>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet doesn't have a meaning but here comes 10 white spaces:____          ____</div>

<div class="pre-wrap" contenteditable=true>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet doesn't have a meaning but here comes 10 white spaces:____          ____</div>

<div class="pre-line"  contenteditable=true>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet doesn't have a meaning but here comes 10 white spaces:____          ____</div>

Chrome FIX
<div class="pre-line inline-block"  contenteditable=true>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet doesn't have a meaning but here comes 10 white spaces:____          ____</div>

EDIT 08/14/2018:

In Chrome you might experience troubles: Pressing Enter will generate a new <div> inside your contenteditable. To prevent that you can either press Shift+Enter or set display: inline to the contenteditable <div> as seen in the fiddle.

Solution 3:

Try this......

var patt2 = new RegExp("<div>","g");
var patt3= new RegExp("</div>","g");
var patt4= new RegExp("<br>","g");
var z=x.replace(patt2,"\n").replace(patt3,"").replace(patt4,"");

That will do it...

Solution 4:

You could search and replace newlines with <br />.