A word for someone who loves searching, learning new things? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

You might call such a person a:

Epistemophile: one who has a love of knowledge; specifically, excessive striving for or preoccupation with knowledge.

Philosophile: Similar, but more of an emphasis on learning and philosophy.

Sophophile: Similar, but with more of an emphasis on gaining wisdom.

A little further afield, some define the doctrine of gnosticism, and its members, the Gnostics, as subscribing to the:

belief that freedom derives solely from knowledge

Note that Gnosticism is variously defined, and this description is not even the most popular or common. However, as @JasperLocke points out, the more generic


Isn't connected to the Gnostic sect, and so doesn't have the religious/spiritural/mystical connotations.

Bonus, for the true epistemophile: one who is self-taught is called a autodidact.

Sources: Alpha Dictionary; Phronistery.info; Wikipedia

Solution 2:

Nouns that come close: seeker, searcher, learner, but they could benefit from an adjective: knowledge (or truth) seeker (or searcher), avid learner.

Adjectives that come close: curious, inquisitive.