Is there a word for preparation with a negative connotation?

I like hidebound for this purpose, which in one of its senses means "stubborn; narrow-minded". Of course narrow-minded ("having restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas" or "intolerant, bigoted or prejudiced") is a possibility too, along with reactionary ("opposed to change; urging a return to a previous state" or "very conservative"), small-minded ("Selfish, petty, constrained in thought, limited in scope of consideration" or "Not interested (or capable) of thinking about the big picture"), insular, monomanic, having a one-track mind ("obsessed with something or only able to think of one thing"), or having tunnel vision (focussing "one's attention on one specific item or event, to the exclusion of everything else").

How about:

close-minded: not ready to receive new ideas.