How to change launcher icon
Launcher icons are stored in /usr/share/applications
. Go to your terminal and type: sudo nautilus /usr/share/applications
, then right click the application you want, select Properties and click the icon on the properties window. Now you can set it to any icon you want.
*here is an example .desktop file.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Give me a name!
Comment=Explain me here!
Exec=/home/t32/bin/pc_linux/t32marm -c /home/t32/config_usb.t32
Categories=This is important, select a category that is present
*use one of the following as category: Accessibility, Customization, Education, Games,
Internet, Office, System, Accessories, Developer, Graphics, Media, Other
. Exec is the command to run, Icon is an absolute path to where the icon lives. Usually you wouldn't need to alter anything else. You may keep this as a scratch and reuse.
*copy this to a whatever-you-name.desktop
file, edit as needed and put the file in the /usr/share/applications
directory. If paths are true, it will pop up in the gnome menu. I don't know if lucid had Unity
or gnome3
, but if it has, when you search it by the name you gave it, it will be visible in the unity lens
, gnome activities
thing. If you have gnome2
, it would be grouped under the corresponding category in the applications menu.
*And this kind of launcher are so cute that they are valid in GNOME, KDE and (probably) all others.
Launcher shortcuts are *.desktop text files. They can be in:
- $HOME/.local/share/applications
- /usr/local/share/applications
- /usr/share/applications
Look in the latter directory for examples.
The .desktop files have a line defining the icon: Icon=icon_file_base_name
. You can set a full path to your icon file, or use only the basename without extension, if you put the icon file into the right place.
That place can be under $HOME/.icons/
or $XDG_DATA_DIRS/icons
. They should be .svg or .png files. If .png, there should be at least a 48x48 pixels version, though there may be other sizes.
For a simple example, try to put a 48x48 .png file called example.png into /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/
and also do
cp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/index.theme /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/
This way, you don't need the full path in the .desktop file. Just Icon=example
. And it is available to all users on the machine.
See the specification for all the details.