pass parameter by link_to ruby on rails

Solution 1:


<%= link_to "Add to cart", {:controller => "car", :action => "add_to_cart", :car => }%>

and then in your controller

@car = Car.find(params[:car])

which, will find in your 'cars' table (as with rails pluralization) in your DB a car with id == to

hope it helps! happy coding

more than a year later, but if you see it or anyone does, i could use the points ;D

Solution 2:

The above did not work for me but this did

<%= link_to "text_to_show_in_url", action_controller_path(:gender => "male", :param2=> "something_else") %>

Solution 3:

Maybe try this:

<%= link_to "Add to cart", 
            :controller => "car", 
            :action => "add_to_cart", 
            :car => car.attributes %>

But I'd really like to see where the car object is getting setup for this page (i.e., the rest of the view).