How to navigate between begin and end html tag in Vim?

The matchit.vim plugin, in conjunction with the html.vim filetype plugin, will allow you to do this. One way to load the matchit.vim plugin is to put this in your ~/.vimrc:

runtime macros/matchit.vim

If you don't already have filetype plugins enabled, also put this in in your ~/.vimrc:

filetype plugin on

Then when you edit an HTML file, you can jump from a tag to the matching tag by typing %. You can find out more by executing

:help matchit

You can jump between tags using visual operators, in example:

  1. Place the cursor on the tag.
  2. Enter visual mode by pressing v.
  3. Select the outer tag block by pressing a+t or i+t for inner tag block.

Your cursor should jump forward to the matching closing html/xml tag. To jump backwards from closing tag, press o or O to jump to opposite tag.

Now you can either exit visual by pressing Esc, change it by c or copy by y.

To record that action into register, press qq to start recording, perform tag jump as above (including Esc), press q to finish. Then to invoke jump, press @q.

See more help at :help visual-operators or :help v_it:

at a <tag> </tag> block (with tags)

it inner <tag> </tag> block

Alternatively use plugin such as matchit.vim (See: Using % in languages without curly braces).

See also:

  • How to jump between matching HTML/XML tags? at Vim SE
  • Jump to matching XML tags in Vim at stackoverflow SE
  • How can I find the close html tag quickly in vim? at stackoverflow SE
  • Navigating HTML tags in Vim at stackoverflow SE
  • VIM jump from one xml tag to the closing one at Unix SE
  • How can I select an html tag's content in Vim? at superuser SE