Is the bonus wheel on candy crush random?

In candy crush you have this daily booster wheel which spins around and you click stop to get your prize:

enter image description here

After you click Stop Wheel the spinning gradually slows down and you get some prize.

Is the outcome influenced at all by when you click stop, or is it just a random number generator? I.e. is there any possible strategy to "aim" for a particular bonus.

edit: Since many answers misunderstood this, the question was whether the outcome was influenced at all by when you click the button. The question was not whether the wheel's outcomes are uniformly distributed (they clearly are not).

It is partially random but not 100%.

For example, I have used this wheels over 100 times, if it is truly random I would hit the jackpot at least once. But that never happens, so when it comes to the jackpot, it is not random, it's fixed so the chance of getting the jackpot is very very small. I have seen the wheel about to stop on the jackpot but it will either stop before it or push to the next one.

In my experience, getting the lollipop was the easiest one.

You cannot influence the outcome of the wheel, so just click stop and then like the game, it all comes down to luck

It is completely random. There is nothing you can do to influence it.

While it may be "random", it is impossible that the odds of getting a jackpot is the same as the other power ups.

The jackpot occupies 1/8th of the wheel, meaning statistically speaking you have a 12.5% chance of hitting the jackpot every day you roll it. I only have anecdotal evidence here, but I've spun this thing well over a hundred times and not once hit the jackpot. I should be hitting the jackpot once every 8 days on average if the odds were representative of the wheel.

While I'm sure its possible to hit the jackpot once every blue moon, the wheel is most definitely NOT representative of the actual odds. The wheel here is random in the same way that a weighted dice is random; technically it's possible to roll any of the 6 numbers, and it gives the appearance of equal odds, but in reality some numbers are much less likely to be rolled.