How do I show an online webpage on my desktop (Windows 10)?

Lately I was looking into how to show time/timer countdown from an online webpage on my desktop. I visited this question below, it is the most relevant one, but it is more than 10 years old. Is there a solution for Windows 10?

How do I show an online webpage on my desktop?

Use lively! it's a free and open-source software for live wallpapers in windows 10. it has a feature to set a webpage as wallpaper. you can find a tutorial here

there are other apps like WallpaperWebPage, but I don't recommend them since they are not simple and flawless like lively. also, there is an active community behind the lively and they continually updating the app

Another possibility is the commercial Plastuer ($5):

Plastuer is a Windows application for setting GIFs, Videos, and WebPages as your wallpaper