Make a FaceTime call using AppleScript

Is it possible to initiate a FaceTime call with "+1 (###) ###-####" when I execute an AppleScript?

Does FaceTime support AppleScript and how can I automate the start of a call?

Solution 1:

This'll do it. You can input a phone number in most normal formats. Can't say I've tried them all:

set phone_num to text returned of (display dialog "Input a phone number to call:" default answer "")
do shell script "open facetime://" & quoted form of phone_num
tell application "System Events"
    repeat until (button "Call" of window 1 of application process "FaceTime" exists)
        delay 1
    end repeat
    click button "Call" of window 1 of application process "FaceTime"
end tell

Solution 2:

Great code William Foggard! Thank you, your code works for me, running Big Sur, 11.4. Here is a slightly modified version. It will FaceTime what you put in for ***********, William's code has a pop up box. It's working well with Keyboard Maestro.

do shell script "open facetime://" & "+***********"
tell application "System Events"
    repeat until (button "Call" of window 1 of application process "FaceTime" exists)
        delay 1
    end repeat
    click button "Call" of window 1 of application process "FaceTime"
end tell

I wanted to leave this as a comment but looks like I need more points first. This is one of my first posts so hope it turned out ok.