How to get the home directory from a PHP CLI script?

Solution 1:



To make it complete, see what print_r($_SERVER)gave me, executed from the command line:

    [TERM_PROGRAM] => Apple_Terminal
    [TERM] => xterm-color
    [SHELL] => /bin/bash
    [TMPDIR] => /var/folders/Lb/LbowO2ALEX4JTK2MXxLGd++++TI/-Tmp-/
    [USER] => felix
    [COMMAND_MODE] => unix2003
    [__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING] => 0x1F5:0:0
    [PATH] =>/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/texbin:/usr/X11/bin
    [PWD] => /Users/felix/Desktop
    [LANG] => de_DE.UTF-8
    [SHLVL] => 1
    [HOME] => /Users/felix
    [LOGNAME] => felix
    [DISPLAY] => /tmp/launch-XIM6c8/:0
    [_] => ./test_php2
    [OLDPWD] => /Users/felix
    [PHP_SELF] => ./test_php2
    [SCRIPT_NAME] => ./test_php2
    [SCRIPT_FILENAME] => ./test_php2
    [PATH_TRANSLATED] => ./test_php2
    [REQUEST_TIME] => 1260658268
    [argv] => Array
        [0] => ./test_php2

    [argc] => 1

I hope I don't expose relevant security information ;)

Windows Compatibility

Note that $_SERVER['HOME'] is not available on Windows. Instead, the variable is split into $_SERVER['HOMEDRIVE'] and $_SERVER['HOMEPATH'].

Solution 2:

You can fetch the value of $HOME from the environment:

    $home = getenv("HOME");

Solution 3:

PHP allows you to get the home dir of any of the OS users. There are 2 ways.

Method #1:

First of all you gotta figure out the OS User ID and store it somewhere ( database or a config file for instance).

// Obviously this gotta be ran by the user which the home dir 
// folder is needed.
$uid = posix_getuid();

This code bit can be ran by any OS user, even the usual webserver www-data user, as long as you pass the correct target user ID previously collected.

$shell_user = posix_getpwuid($uid);
print_r($shell_user);  // will show an array and key 'dir' is the home dir

// not owner of running script process but script file owner
$home_dir = posix_getpwuid(getmyuid())['dir'];


Method #2:

Same logic from posix_getpwuid(). Here you gotta pass the target OS username instead of their uid.

$shell_user = posix_getpwnam('johndoe');
print_r($shell_user); // will show an array and key 'dir' is the home dir

// not owner of running script process but script file owner
$home_dir = posix_getpwnam(get_current_user())['dir'];


Solution 4:

This function is taken from the Drush project.

 * Return the user's home directory.
function drush_server_home() {
  // Cannot use $_SERVER superglobal since that's empty during UnitUnishTestCase
  // getenv('HOME') isn't set on Windows and generates a Notice.
  $home = getenv('HOME');
  if (!empty($home)) {
    // home should never end with a trailing slash.
    $home = rtrim($home, '/');
  elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HOMEDRIVE']) && !empty($_SERVER['HOMEPATH'])) {
    // home on windows
    // If HOMEPATH is a root directory the path can end with a slash. Make sure
    // that doesn't happen.
    $home = rtrim($home, '\\/');
  return empty($home) ? NULL : $home;

Solution 5:

If for any reason getenv('HOME') isn't working, or the server OS is Windows, you can use exec("echo ~") or exec("echo %userprofile%") to get the user directory. Of course the exec function has to be available (some hosting companies disable that kind of functions for security reasons, but that is more unlikely to happen).

Here is a php function that will try $_SERVER, getenv and finally check if the exec function exists and use the appropriate system command to get the user directory:

function homeDir()
    if(isset($_SERVER['HOME'])) {
        $result = $_SERVER['HOME'];
    } else {
        $result = getenv("HOME");

    if(empty($result) && function_exists('exec')) {
        if(strncasecmp(PHP_OS, 'WIN', 3) === 0) {
            $result = exec("echo %userprofile%");
        } else {
            $result = exec("echo ~");

    return $result;