Is there a word for the urge to do something creative?

Is there a succinct word for the 'itch' to do something creative? For example having a niggle in your brain where only doing something creative can make it go away?

Solution 1:

One might also refer to being "stricken by the muse" if there is a specific creative idea demanding that you implement it.

Solution 2:


can do that to you.

Solution 3:

While it isn't a single word, the phrase creative frenzy is often heard. By itself, frenzy means

A state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior [Oxford Dictionary Online]

Other similar terms are creative fervor and creative fever.

fervor: great intensity of feeling or belief; ardour; zeal [Collins]

fever: A state of nervous excitement or agitation [Oxford Dictionary Online]

The terms could be used by themselves if the context reflected the source of the agitation, as in

He was in a frenzy that only a full day of writing could relieve.

Solution 4:

The term "creative drive" comes to mind.

"He really possesses a creative drive; he spends 2 hours after work painting every day!"

Alternatively: "She's really creatively driven; even her shoes are homemade."