Are there any differences between “update” and “edit”? [closed]

Which one of those words I should use when something is changed.

I update the record


I edit the record

Update has the extra sense of adding newer information (or removing outdated information, per @trentcl's apt comment), whereas edit just has the sense of changing the information. Note that in the source below on the definition of edit, the definition listed as 1.c. mentions bringing about standardization or conformity, but not necessarily adding any new information.

Take for instance your name on some social media site. Let's say you first input it incorrectly. You could edit it to fix any typos, but that wouldn't necessarily be updating your name. Your name was the same regardless of the typo. Now let's say you legally changed your name and wanted to have that reflected on your social media, you could update your name, since what used to be true no longer is.

update : to bring up to date - M-W

edit 1c : to alter, adapt, or refine especially to bring about conformity to a standard or to suit a particular purpose - M-W

I am from IT sphere. And in case of some MVC you may count next distinguish between these words:

edit action is responsible for rendering the view (html form to POST data)

update action is responsible for interacting with the model (db updates etc)