How can I make the military's life harder? (In Just Cause 2, that is) [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How, and When, do resource constraints affect Just Cause 2?

So I've been playing Just Cause 2 for a little while now, and what I've discovered is that the military really doesn't like me too much. In fact, they keep sending men to kill me!

I'm interested in preventing that from happening. As Xemu mentioned in his answer here, it is possible to decrease the military's effectiveness by blowing up various elements of their infrastructure.

I've blown up comm towers and gotten a "Enemy communications disrupted" message, and I've killed Colonels and gotten a "Enemy morale lowered" message. I've also blown up a few pumping stations and gotten a message about oil transportation being disrupted. However, I have no idea what the actual in-game effects of, say, lowered enemy morale is.

What I'm wondering is: What actions are available to decrease the effectiveness of the military and what effect does each of these actions have?

Solution 1:

Honestly, I have almost 50 hours of playtime in this game, I've 100%ed well over a hundred locations, and I haven't noticed any effect at all from these "disruptions". I think it may just be flavor text. From a game design perspective, it wouldn't make much sense to give them a debilitating effect, since that would make the game gradually become easier and easier.