How Do I Remove Remote Disc from Finder (not in the Sidebar)

I've an iMac 10.10.3. When I open Finder and go to iMac under Devices I see my HDD, NAS, etc. But I also see "Remote Disc". I can't eject it (right click->Eject doesn't do anything) or trash it (The item "Remote Disc" can't be moved to the Trash because it can't be deleted).

I have absolutely no use for Remote Disc. So how can I remove it from Finder?

Note: Please note I'm not talking about removing it from the Sidebar. I've already done that.


To remove:

  1. Launch Terminal
  2. Enter the following string:

    defaults write EnableODiskBrowsing -bool false
  3. Enter the following string:

    killall Finder

The icon should now be gone from both Finder and your sidebar. To reverse and make the icon show again, repeat the steps but run this command in step 2:

defaults delete EnableODiskBrowsing

The icon is present on Macs which do not have optical drives but may still need access to the physical media from another computer.

Source: Apple Support Forums

check out the Finder preferences. {click the Finder, go to the top menu bar and click the Finder drop-down, choose preferences.}

if that doesn't do it, I'm not sure it can be removed? it's also possible that you might be able to turn it off in System Preferences.

if that doesn't work you are looking at some sort of terminal setting, and I don't know what that is yet.

I will have to boot over to 10.10 and see what this is all about. my suspicion is that you are seeing the all drives list which won't be able to be changed.