What's the importance of the email address in the DNS SOA lookup?

Is there a real importance in this, except to publish the email address of the person responsible for some DNS zone?

In our BIND configuration, we put a mailling list as the responsible for our domain, but we are usure if this is good practice or not.

Area there any kind of services that rely on this email address? In the worse case, can an invalid email in this field compromise our DNS authority?

Solution 1:

RFC 1035 section 3.3.13 says:

RNAME           A <domain-name> which specifies the mailbox of the
                person responsible for this zone.

That's all.

Someone out there on the Internet might use this address to contact you regarding issues with your DNS, so it should be a valid address which routes messages sent to it to the right people.

Best practice for this is to use a role address such as hostmaster (RFC 2142 section 7) which can then be routed to the right person, mailing list, ticket system, etc.