Function pointer cast to different signature

By the C specification, casting a function pointer results in undefined behavior. In fact, for a while, GCC 4.3 prereleases would return NULL whenever you casted a function pointer, perfectly valid by the spec, but they backed out that change before release because it broke lots of programs.

Assuming GCC continues doing what it does now, it will work fine with the default x86 calling convention (and most calling conventions on most architectures), but I wouldn't depend on it. Testing the function pointer against NULL at every callsite isn't much more expensive than a function call. If you really want, you may write a macro:

#define CALL_MAYBE(func, args...) do {if (func) (func)(## args);} while (0)

Or you could have a different dummy function for every signature, but I can understand that you'd like to avoid that.


Charles Bailey called me out on this, so I went and looked up the details (instead of relying on my holey memory). The C specification says

766 A pointer to a function of one type may be converted to a pointer to a function of another type and back again;
767 the result shall compare equal to the original pointer.
768 If a converted pointer is used to call a function whose type is not compatible with the pointed-to type, the behavior is undefined.

and GCC 4.2 prereleases (this was settled way before 4.3) was following these rules: the cast of a function pointer did not result in NULL, as I wrote, but attempting to call a function through a incompatible type, i.e.

func = (cb_t)nothing;

from your example, would result in an abort. They changed back to the 4.1 behavior (allow but warn), partly because this change broke OpenSSL, but OpenSSL has been fixed in the meantime, and this is undefined behavior which the compiler is free to change at any time.

OpenSSL was only casting functions pointers to other function types taking and returning the same number of values of the same exact sizes, and this (assuming you're not dealing with floating-point) happens to be safe across all the platforms and calling conventions I know of. However, anything else is potentially unsafe.

I suspect you will get an undefined behaviour.

You can assign (with the proper cast) a pointer to function to another pointer to function with a different signature, but when you call it weird things may happen.

Your nothing() function takes no arguments, to the compiler this may mean that he can optimize the usage of the stack as there will be no arguments there. But here you call it with an argument, that is an unexpected situation and it may crash.

I can't find the proper point in the standard but I remember it says that you can cast function pointers but when you call the resulting function you have to do with the right prototype otherwise the behaviour is undefined.

As a side note, you should not compare a function pointer with a data pointer (like NULL) as thee pointers may belong to separate address spaces. There's an appendix in the C99 standard that allows this specific case but I don't think it's widely implemented. That said, on architecture where there is only one address space casting a function pointer to a data pointer or comparing it with NULL, will usually work.