Is it possible to create a recursive query in Access?

I have a job table


The root ParentID is 0.

Is it possible in Access to create a query to find a root for a given job? The database is MDB with no linked tables. The Access version is 2003. A job can be several levels grand children deep.

Solution 1:

It is possible in Access to create a query to find the root of your given job. Don't forget the power of VBA functions. You can create a recursive function in a VBA module and use its result as an output field in your query.


Public Function JobRoot(Id As Long, ParentId As Long) As Long
   If ParentId = 0 Then
      JobRoot = Id
      Exit Function
   End If

   Dim Rst As New ADODB.Recordset
   Dim sql As String
   sql = "SELECT Id, ParentID FROM JobTable WHERE Id = " & ParentId & ";"
   Rst.Open sql, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly

   If Rst.Fields("ParentID") = 0 Then
      JobRoot = Rst.Fields("Id")
      JobRoot = JobRoot(Id, Rst.Fields("ParentID"))    ' Recursive.
   End If

   Set Rst = Nothing
End Function

You can call this recursive function from your query by using the query builder or by just typing in the function name with arguments in a query field.

It will yield the root.

(I recognize the OP is a year old now, but I'm compelled to answer when everyone says what's impossible is possible).

Solution 2:

No, It isn't. Recursive queries are supported in SQL Server after SServer 2005, but not in Access.

If you know the number of levels beforehand, you could write a query, but it wouldn't be a recursive one.

In SQL Server, CTE (An SQL extension) is used for that : see

Regular SQL however does not have Recursivity support.

Solution 3:

You can't recursively query.

You can either do some arbitrary number of left joins, but you'll only be able to go up as many levels as you have joins.

Or you can use Celko's "Nested Set Model" to retrieve all parents. This will require modifying your table structure, in way that makes inserts and updates more complicated.

Solution 4:

This cannot be done using pure SQL in Access, but a little VBA goes a long way.

Add a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (Tools -> References...).

This assumes that the ID is unique, and that there are no cycles: e.g. A's parent is B, but B's parent is A.

Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary

Function JobRoot(ID As Long) As Long
    If dict Is Nothing Then
        Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary
        Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
        Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT ID, ParentID FROM Job", dbOpenForwardOnly, dbReadOnly)
        Do Until rs.EOF
            dict(rs!ID) = rs!ParentID
        Set rs = Nothing

        Dim key As Variant
        For Each key In dict.Keys
            Dim possibleRoot As Integer
            possibleRoot = dict(key)
            Do While dict(possibleRoot) <> 0
                possibleRoot = dict(possibleRoot)
            dict(key) = possibleRoot
    End If
    JobRoot = dict(ID)
End Function

Sub Reset() 'This needs to be called to refresh the data
    Set dict = Nothing
End Sub

Solution 5:

OK so here's the REAL deal. First, what is the target audience for your query.. a form? report? function/proc?

Form: Need updates? use the treeview control while clumsy it will work nicely. Report: in the open event use a parameter form to set the "Boss Job" level then handle the recursion in vba and fill a recordset with the data in the order desired. set the reports recordset to this filled recordset and process the report. Function/Procedure: works pretty much the same as a the data load described in the report above. Through code, handle the necessary "tree walking" and store the result set in the desired order in a recordset and process as needed.