In Safari, there is a lag for the Open Location and New Tab shortcuts.

Launch "Console" and have it running side by side with Safari. See if entries about "IMKServer" appear when the delay happens: screenshot

If you see similar entries try following below:

Steps from the article:

  1. Reboot into system restore mode (+R immediately after boot)
  2. Navigate to Utilities > Terminal
  3. Enter the command csrutil disable
  4. Reboot
  5. Open Terminal
  6. defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false && launchctl remove $(launchctl list | grep -oE '$')
  7. sudo chmod 000 /System/Library/Input\ Methods/
  8. Reboot
  9. You can choose reboot back into restore mode and issue crsutil enable again to re-enable rootless mode.

It's originally from Github user squeeb: – I just forked the article to fix a typo in one command.

There are a few things you can try:

  • Turn off iCloud sync for Safari
  • Set "New tabs open with:" to "Empty Page"
  • But for me, the culprit was "Retab" Safari extension.