Not able to login using network account after upgrade to High Sierra

I just upgraded to macOS High Sierra and now I am not able to login using network account. However, I am able to unlock the FileVault2 volume using the old credentials but then it asks for credentials again. On login screen, I see a red dot beside username saying network accounts are unavailable

I have two accounts on my machine. One network account with admin privileges and a local account with standard privileges. I am able to login using local account but not with the network account.

I have FileVault recovery keys, will it help?

I am using MacBook Pro mid 2015 series.

Solution 1:

You will still need local and Active Directory administrator account for this to work, but here's the exact steps I took to fix this issue.

  1. Login with local administrator account
  2. Go to System Preferences > Users & Groups
  3. Press Login Options > Unlock > Press Edit near Network Account Server > Open Directory Utility > Unlock > Select Active Directory and press "Edit settings for the selected service" button at the bottom > Unbind > Enter Active Directory administrator credentials and finish the unbinding process
  4. Close Directory Utility and reboot the computer
  5. Repeat steps 1 and 2
  6. Press Join near Network Account Server
  7. Enter your domain ( and Active Directory administrator credentials.

Assuming your AD account is not entirely network account (created on your local system and you can use it without network access) you should also set settings in 8-10 steps.

  1. Optional Step - Go to System Preferences > Users & Groups
  2. Optional Step - Login Options > Unlock > Press Edit on Network Account Server > Open Directory Utility > Unlock > Select Active Directory and press "Edit settings for the selected service" button at the bottom
  3. Optional Step - Press Show more > Check "Create mobile login at login" > Uncheck "Require confirmation before creating a mobile account"
  4. Log out (may need another reboot)
  5. Login with network account by selecting the user from the list or using your name on password (depends on "Display login windows as" setting)