Is the destructor called if the constructor throws an exception?

Solution 1:

It does for C# (see code below) but not for C++.

using System;

class Test
        throw new Exception();


    static void Main()
            new Test();
        catch {}

This prints "Finalized"

Solution 2:

Preamble: Herb Sutter has a great article on the subject:

C++ : Yes and No

While an object destructor won't be called if its constructor throws (the object "never existed"), the destructors of its internal objects could be called.

As a summary, every internal parts of the object (i.e. member objects) will have their destructors called in the reverse order of their construction. Every thing built inside the constructor won't have its destructor called unless RAII is used in some way.

For example:

struct Class
   Class() ;
   ~Class() ;
   Thing *    m_pThing ;
   Object     m_aObject ;
   Gizmo *    m_pGizmo ;
   Data       m_aData ;

   this->m_pThing = new Thing() ;
   this->m_pGizmo = new Gizmo() ;

The order of creation will be:

  1. m_aObject will have its constructor called.
  2. m_aData will have its constructor called.
  3. Class constructor is called
  4. Inside Class constructor, m_pThing will have its new and then constructor called.
  5. Inside Class constructor, m_pGizmo will have its new and then constructor called.

Let's say we are using the following code:

Class pClass = new Class() ;

Some possible cases:

  • Should m_aData throw at construction, m_aObject will have its destructor called. Then, the memory allocated by "new Class" is deallocated.

  • Should m_pThing throw at new Thing (out of memory), m_aData, and then m_aObject will have their destructors called. Then, the memory allocated by new Class is deallocated.

  • Should m_pThing throw at construction, the memory allocated by "new Thing" will be deallocated. Then m_aData, and then m_aObject will have their destructors called. Then, the memory allocated by new Class is deallocated.

  • Should m_pGizmo throw at construction, the memory allocated by "new Gizmo" will be deallocated. Then m_aData, and then m_aObject will have their destructors called. Then, the memory allocated by new Class is deallocated. Note that m_pThing leaked

If you want to offer the Basic Exception Guarantee, you must not leak, even in the constructor. Thus, you'll have to write this this way (using STL, or even Boost):

struct Class
   Class() ;
   ~Class() ;
   std::auto_ptr<Thing>   m_pThing ;
   Object                 m_aObject ;
   std::auto_ptr<Gizmo>   m_pGizmo ;
   Data                   m_aData ;

   : m_pThing(new Thing())
   , m_pGizmo(new Gizmo())

Or even:

   this->m_pThing.reset(new Thing()) ;
   this->m_pGizmo.reset(new Gizmo()) ;

if you want/need to create those objects inside the constructor.

This way, no matter where the constructor throws, nothing will be leaked.

Solution 3:

The destructor of the class still being constructed is not called, because the object was never fully constructed.

However, the destructor of its base class (if any) IS called, because the object was constructed as far as being a base class object.

Moreover, any member variables will have their destructors called too (as others have noted).

NB: this applies to C++