What is an adjective for "requires a lot of work"? [closed]

For example, Starting a new business requires a lot of work.

What would be an adjective in: Starting a new business is _.

Solution 1:

Consider challenging

Calling for full use of one's abilities or resources in a difficult but stimulating effort [American Heritage Dictionary]

Alternatives are burdensome, onerous, and arduous, but all of those have somewhat negative tones.

Solution 2:


1.) Made with, or requiring, great labor, pains, or diligence.


"Characterized by or involving toil; laborious or fatiguing."


2.) tending to exhaust or drain, as resources or strength: a protracted, exhaustive siege of illness.


1.) characterized by vigorous exertion, as action, efforts, life, etc.: a strenuous afternoon of hunting.

2.) demanding or requiring vigorous exertion; laborious: To think deeply is a strenuous task.

3.) vigorous, energetic, or zealously active: a strenuous person; a strenuous intellect.


  • labor intensive (already mentioned below)
  • a chore
  • requires perseverance
  • requires persistence
  • requires dedication
  • requires exertion

Solution 3:

If you want a single word for "a lot of work", consider "onerous" or "laborious", though I'm not sure "a lot of work" captures all the relevant obstacles to starting a business.