Single word for driving/flying tank, submarine, and plane [duplicate]

From a reddit comment:

I have the training to fly thirteen different aircraft, two types of tanks, and a nuclear submarine.

Fly doesn't really work with tanks or submarines. What's the best way to properly state this sentence? Is there a good single word to replace fly, or do we have to say something like...

I have the training to fly thirteen different aircraft, drive two types of tanks, and [whatever] a nuclear submarine.

handle or operate

  1. Drive or control (a vehicle): (Oxford)

he was going too fast and couldn’t handle the car

From there you've got to learn to handle your ship and get to grips with the most difficult part - docking with the space station.

Synonyms: control, drive, steer, operate, manoeuvre, manipulate

I would suggest using pilot as a verb

verb (pilots, piloting, piloted)
1 Act as a pilot of (an aircraft or ship).

"He pilots 13 different types of vehicles, from airplanes to tanks and submarines."