Can I SSH into a computer using Landscape?

I have a couple of computers that I manage using Canonical Landscape.

Both of them are behind routers and in different cities so I can't easily SSH into them using openssh. They're running Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop Edition. Can I use Landscape to SSH into the computers?

No, but you can use landscape to run commands on the box. You could (for example) run whatever you wanted to run via ssh, but as a script.

Another option would be to setup a reverse SSH tunnel via that script system.

So you could create a script to run on the landscape managed host which ssh'ed back to your home machine or some other publicly accessible IP:-

ssh -R2222:localhost:22 [email protected]

You'd need an ssh key to already be generated without a pass-phrase on the remote machine and place the public part on 'homeserver' in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys as a pre-requisite to doing this.

Once that ssh tunnel is setup, you should be able to (on

ssh -P 2222 username@localhost 

This will redirect ssh (on port 2222) from to port 22 on the remote host.

You currently cannot use Landscape as a remote console proxy, but it is one of the most-requested features, so it is in active consideration. If you want to provide more information on what your use case would be, that would be helpful -- I am gathering, getting around non-routable IPs and firewall(s) is your need?