How to use Plugins for PopUp [closed]

I try to search plugin jquery for create PopUp of comment. But i don't know how use it and what is plugin that support for Popup. Any one can help me to show simple code and explain

Solution 1:

Try this:

Working jsFiddle Demo

The important things to know are:

One: You need the references in the <head> to these three: (1) the jQuery library, and (2) the jQueryUI library, and (3) the jQueryUI css

Two: Any div at all can be made into a dialog. The div can have any HTML formatting and elements, including buttons, images, input boxes, etc. The div, with all its formatted elements, will appear as such in the dialog.

Three: Usual practice is to first initialize the dialog, but set autoOpen: false,, and then later on you can force it to open with a ('#divID').dialog( 'open' ) command.

Four: The dialog will not auto-close when you click the button. You must close it using the ('#divID').dialog( 'close' ) command

Five: There are many settings you can use when initializing the dialog. Among the most useful or intriguing are:
* autoOpen: true/false,
* width: 500, //Note: no 'px'
* position: 'top',
* draggable: false,
* closeOnEscape: false

Six: To re-use a dialog -- that is, to replace its contents and re-open:

$('#dlgDiv').html('<div>New stuff goes here</div>');

Seven: To outright destroy a dialog (allows you to re-create another dlg using .dialog():


Fully working, stand-alone, cut/pastable example:

        <script src="//"></script>
        <script src="//"></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function() {

                    autoOpen: false,
                    title: 'You can put any title here:',
                    width: 800, //default width is 300px, default height is auto
                    buttons: {
                        Giraffe: function() {
                            alert('You hit subMIT');
                            $('#thePopup').html(''); //empty dlg - always a good idea
                }); //END dialog init

                $('#mybutt').click(function() {
                    $('#thePopup').html('<img src="">');

            }); //END $(document).ready()


<div id="thePopup"></div>
<input type="button" id="mybutt" value="Show the Popup" />


Additional Reading:

How to customise jquery ui dialog box title color and font size?

How do I pass a an element position to jquery UI dialog

jQuery UI dialog button text as a variable

extend jquery ui dialog (add more options)