Order by dynamic parameter

If you want to do sorting on the Server Side, you have to correct expression.

 var query = from c in db.CUSTOMERS select c;
 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortBy) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(direction))
    query = query.ApplyOrderBy(new [] {Tuple.Create(sortBy, direction != "asc")});

 return query.ToList();

And implementation:

public static class QueryableExtensions
    public static IQueryable<T> ApplyOrderBy<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, IEnumerable<Tuple<string, bool>> order)
        var expr = ApplyOrderBy(typeof(T), query.Expression, order);
        return query.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(expr);

    static Expression MakePropPath(Expression objExpression, string path)
        return path.Split('.').Aggregate(objExpression, Expression.PropertyOrField);

    static Expression ApplyOrderBy(Type entityType, Expression queryExpr, IEnumerable<Tuple<string, bool>> order)
        var param = Expression.Parameter(entityType, "e");
        var isFirst = true;
        foreach (var tuple in order)
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda(MakePropPath(param, tuple.Item1), param);
            var methodName =
                isFirst ? tuple.Item2 ? nameof(Queryable.OrderByDescending) : nameof(Queryable.OrderBy)
                : tuple.Item2 ? nameof(Queryable.ThenByDescending) : nameof(Queryable.ThenBy);

            queryExpr = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), methodName, new[] { entityType, lambda.Body.Type }, queryExpr, lambda);
            isFirst = false;

        return queryExpr;