How to use Session attributes in Spring-mvc

Solution 1:

If you want to delete object after each response you don't need session,

If you want keep object during user session , There are some ways:

  1. directly add one attribute to session:

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String testMestod(HttpServletRequest request){
       ShoppingCart cart = (ShoppingCart)request.getSession().setAttribute("cart",value);
       return "testJsp";

    and you can get it from controller like this :

    ShoppingCart cart = (ShoppingCart)session.getAttribute("cart");
  2. Make your controller session scoped

  3. Scope the Objects ,for example you have user object that should be in session every time:

    public class User
        String user;
        /*  setter getter*/

    then inject class in each controller that you want

       private User user

    that keeps class on session.

  4. The AOP proxy injection : in spring -xml:

    <beans xmlns=""
      <bean id="user"    class="com.User" scope="session">     

    then inject class in each controller that you want

    private User user

5.Pass HttpSession to method:

 String index(HttpSession session) {
            session.setAttribute("mySessionAttribute", "someValue");
            return "index";

6.Make ModelAttribute in session By @SessionAttributes("ShoppingCart"):

  public String index (@ModelAttribute("ShoppingCart") ShoppingCart shoppingCart, SessionStatus sessionStatus) {
//Spring V4
//you can modify session status  by sessionStatus.setComplete();

or you can add Model To entire Controller Class like,

    public class MYController {

        public Visitor getShopCart (....) {
            return new ShoppingCart(....); //get From DB Or Session

each one has advantage and disadvantage:

@session may use more memory in cloud systems it copies session to all nodes, and direct method (1 and 5) has messy approach, it is not good to unit test.

To access session jsp


in Jstl :

<c:out value="${sessionScope.ShoppingCart.prop}"/>

in Thymeleaf:

<p th:text="${session.ShoppingCart.prop}" th:unless="${session == null}"> . </p>

Solution 2:

Use @SessionAttributes

See the docs: Using @SessionAttributes to store model attributes in the HTTP session between requests

"Understanding Spring MVC Model And Session Attributes" also gives a very good overview of Spring MVC sessions and explains how/when @ModelAttributes are transferred into the session (if the controller is @SessionAttributes annotated).

That article also explains that it is better to use @SessionAttributes on the model instead of setting attributes directly on the HttpSession because that helps Spring MVC to be view-agnostic.