Are there good reasons not to use an ORM? [closed]

The short answer is yes, there are really good reasons. As a matter of fact there are cases where you just cannot use an ORM.

Case in point, I work for a large enterprise financial institution and we have to follow a lot of security guidelines. To meet the rules and regulations that are put upon us, the only way to pass audits is to keep data access within stored procedures. Now some may say that's just plain stupid, but honestly it isn't. Using an ORM tool means the tool/developer can insert, select, update or delete whatever he or she wants. Stored procedures provide a lot more security, especially in environments when dealing with client data. I think this is the biggest reason to consider. Security.

The sweet spot of ORMs

ORMs are useful for automating the 95%+ of queries where they are applicable. Their particular strength is where you have an application with a strong object model architecture and a database that plays nicely with that object model. If you're doing a new build and have strong modelling skills on your team then you will probably get good results with an ORM.

You may well have a handful of queries that are better done by hand. In this case, don't be afraid to write a few stored procedures to handle this. Even if you intend to port your app across multiple DBMS platforms the database dependent code will be in a minority. Bearing in mind that you will need to test your application on any platform on which you intend to support it, a little bit of extra porting effort for some stored procedures isn't going to make a lot of difference to your TCO. For a first approximation, 98% portable is just as good as 100% portable, and far better than convoluted or poorly performing solutions to work around the limits of an ORM.

I have seen the former approach work well on a very large (100's of staff-years) J2EE project.

Where an ORM may not be the best fit

In other cases there may be approaches that suit the application better than an ORM. Fowler's Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture has a section on data access patterns that does a fairly good job of cataloguing various approaches to this. Some examples I've seen of situations where an ORM may not be applicable are:

  • On an application with a substantial legacy code base of stored procedures you may want to use a functionally oriented (not to be confused with functional languages) data access layer to wrap the incumbent sprocs. This re-uses the existing (and therefore tested and debugged) data access layer and database design, which often represents quite a substantial development and testing effort, and saves on having to migrate data to a new database model. It is often quite a good way wrapping Java layers around legacy PL/SQL code bases, or re-targeting rich client VB, Powerbuilder or Delphi apps with web interfaces.

  • A variation is where you inherit a data model that is not necessarily well suited to O-R mapping. If (for example) you are writing an interface that populates or extracts data from a foreign interface you may be better off working direclty with the database.

  • Financial applications or other types of systems where cross-system data integrity is important, particularly if you're using complex distributed transactions with two-phase commit. You may need to micromanage your transactions better than an ORM is capable of supporting.

  • High-performance applications where you want to really tune your database access. In this case, it may be preferable to work at a lower level.

  • Situations where you're using an incumbent data access mechanism like ADO.Net that's 'good enough' and playing nicely with the platform is of greater benefit than the ORM brings.

  • Sometimes data is just data - it may be the case (for example) that your application is working with 'transactions' rather than 'objects' and that this is a sensible view of the domain. An example of this might be a financials package where you've got transactions with configurable analysis fields. While the application itself may be built on an O-O platform, it is not tied to a single business domain model and may not be aware of much more than GL codes, accounts, document types and half a dozen analysis fields. In this case the application isn't aware of a business domain model as such and an object model (beyond the ledger structure itself) is not relevant to the application.

First off - using an ORM will not make your code any easier to test, nor will it necessarily provide any advantages in a Continuous Integration scenerio.

In my experience, whilst using an ORM can increase the speed of development, the biggest issues you need to address are:

  1. Testing your code
  2. Maintaining your code

The solutions to these are:

  1. Make your code testable (using SOLID principles)
  2. Write automated tests for as much of the code as possible
  3. Run the automated tests as often as possible

Coming to your question, the two objections you list seem more like ignorance than anything else.

Not being able to write SELECT queries by hand (which, I presume, is why the copy-paste is needed) seems to indicate that there's a urgent need for some SQL training.

There are two reasons why I'd not use an ORM:

  1. It is strictly forbidden by the company's policy (in which case I'd go work somewhere else)
  2. The project is extremely data intensive and using vendor specific solutions (like BulkInsert) makes more sense.

The usual rebuffs about ORMs (NHibernate in particular) are:

  1. Speed

    There is no reason why using an ORM would be any slower than hand coded Data Access. In fact, because of the caching and optimisations built into it, it can be quicker. A good ORM will produce a repeatable set of queries for which you can optimise your schema. A good ORM will also allow efficient retrieval of associated data using various fetching strategies.

  2. Complexity

    With regards to complexity, using an ORM means less code, which generally means less complexity. Many people using hand-written (or code generated) data access find themselves writing their own framework over "low-level" data access libraries (like writing helper methods for ADO.Net). These equate to more complexity, and, worse yet, they're rarely well documented, or well tested.
    If you are looking specifically at NHibernate, then tools like Fluent NHibernate and Linq To NHibernate also soften the learning curve.

The thing that gets me about the whole ORM debate is that the same people who claim that using an ORM will be too hard/slow/whatever are the very same people who are more than happy using Linq To Sql or Typed Datasets. Whilst the Linq To Sql is a big step in the right direction, it's still light years behind where some of the open source ORMs are. However, the frameworks for both Typed Datasets and for Linq To Sql is still hugely complex, and using them to go too far of the (Table=Class) + (basic CRUD) is stupidly difficult.

My advice is that if, at the end of the day, you can't get an ORM, then make sure that your data access is separated from the rest of the code, and that you you follow the Gang Of Four's advice of coding to an interface. Also, get a Dependancy Injection framework to do the wiring up.

(How's that for a rant?)