No identities are available for signing Xcode 5

I have an error "No identities are available for signing" when try to validate my app in Xcode 5. I tried all: Recreate certificates and provisioning profiles, all methods which have been described on this site and another resources; I'm confused, because when I try to distribute my app as Ad-hoc, it successfully create and install on test device an IPA file. But when I try validate my app or submit to AppStore, all the time I have an error. Maybe someone can help me with this issue.

All you need to do is:

  1. go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles in the Developer Center

  2. create a new provisioning profile in "Provisioning Profiles" / "Distribution"

  3. download the profile and open it

  4. restart Xcode

Please make sure you are using distribution provisioning profiles, rather than Development. And the code sign setting in Xcode is compatible with the distribution provisioning profiles.

enter image description here

The validation process does not work with Ad-hoc profiles. Need to create a Distribution provisioning profile. It is not specified in the instructions for beta testing. I agonized all day until realized.

Use the Application Loader (Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader).

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Restarting Xcode solved the problem for me! Restart and/or clean solves 99% of all issues...