EmberJS actions - call one action from another when wrapped within `actions`

How do you call one action from another action when wrapped within actions in an EmberJS controller?

Original code that uses the now deprecated way to define actions:

App.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
    // properties
    /* ... */

    // actions
    actionFoo: function() {
        /* ... */
    actionBar: function() {
        /* ... */

<div class="foo" {{action actionFoo this}}>
<div class="bar" {{action actionBar this}}>

However, with EmberJS 1.0.0, we get a deprecation warning, saying that actions must be put within an actions object within the controller, instead of directly within the controller, as above.

Updating the code, according to recommendations:

App.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
    // properties
    /* ... */

    // actions
    actions: {
        actionFoo: function() {
            /* ... */
            this.actionBar(); //this.actionBar is undefined
            // this.actions.actionBar(); //this.actions is undefined
        actionBar: function() {
            /* ... */

<div class="foo" {{action actionFoo this}}>
<div class="bar" {{action actionBar this}}>

However, I find that it is not possible for one function defined within actions to call another, as the this object appears to no longer be the controller.

How can I go about doing this?

You can use the send(actionName, arguments) method.

App.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
    actions: {
        actionFoo: function() {
        actionBar: function() {

Here is a jsfiddle with this sample http://jsfiddle.net/marciojunior/pxz4y/