Align div right in Bootstrap 3

Is there a way in Bootstrap 3 to right align a div?

I am aware of the offsetting possibilitys but I want to align a formatted div to the right of its container while it should be centered in a fullwidth mobile view. The class 'pull-right' is not working anymore. Did they forgot to replace it or am I missing something obvious?

<div class="row">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="col-md-4">
      left content
    <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4">
      <!-- The next div has a background color and its own paddings and should be aligned right-->
      <!-- It is now in the right column but aligned left in that column -->
      <div class="yellow_background">right content</div>

Shure I know how to do this in CSS, but can it be done in pure bootstrap 3?

Solution 1:

The class pull-right is still there in Bootstrap 3 See the 'helper classes' here

pull-right is defined by

.pull-right {
  float: right !important;

without more info on styles and content, it's difficult to say.

It definitely pulls right in this JSBIN when the page is wider than 990px - which is when the col-md styling kicks in, Bootstrap 3 being mobile first and all.

Bootstrap 4

Note that for Bootstrap 4 .pull-right has been replaced with .float-right,based%20on%20the%20Bootstrap%20Grid.

Solution 2:

Do you mean something like this:


<div class="row">
  <div class="container">

    <div class="col-md-4">
      left content

    <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4">

      <div class="yellow-background">
        <div class="pull-right">right content</div>  



.yellow-background {
  background: blue;

.pull-right {
  background: yellow;

A full example can be found on Codepen.

Solution 3:

i think you try to align the content to the right within the div, the div with offset already push itself to the right, here some code and LIVE sample:
FYI: .pull-right only push the div to the right, but not the content inside the div.


<div class="row">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="col-md-4 someclass">
      left content
    <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4 someclass">
      <div class="yellow_background totheright">right content</div>


.someclass{ /*this class for testing purpose only*/
    border:1px solid blue;

.totheright{ /*this will align the text to the right*/


Another modification:

<div class="yellow_background totheright">
  <span>right content</span>
  <br/>image also align-right<br/>
  <img width="15%" src=""/>

hope it will clear your problem

Solution 4:

Bootstrap 4+ has made changes to the utility classes for this. From the documentation:

Added .float-{sm,md,lg,xl}-{left,right,none} classes for responsive floats and removed .pull-left and .pull-right since they’re redundant to .float-left and .float-right.

So use the .float-right (or a size equivalent such as .float-lg-right) instead of .pull-right for your right alignment if you're using a newer Bootstrap version.