How to list all the available keyspaces in Cassandra?

I am newbie in Cassandra and trying to implement one toy application using Cassandra. I had created one keyspace and few column families in my Cassandra DB but I forgot the name of my cluster.

I am trying to find if there is any query which can list down all the available keyspaces.

Anybody knows such a query or command?

Solution 1:

[cqlsh 4.1.0 | Cassandra 2.0.4 | CQL spec 3.1.1 | Thrift protocol 19.39.0]

Currently, the command to use is:

DESCRIBE keyspaces;

Solution 2:

If you want to do this outside of the cqlsh tool you can query the schema_keyspaces table in the system keyspace. There's also a table called schema_columnfamilies which contains information about all tables.

The DESCRIBE and SHOW commands only work in cqlsh and cassandra-cli.

Solution 3:

Its very simple. Just give the below command for listing all keyspaces.

Cqlsh> Describe keyspaces;

If you want to check the keyspace in the system schema using the SQL query

below is the command.

SELECT * FROM system_schema.keyspaces;

Hope this will answer your question...

You can go through the explanation on understanding and creating the keyspaces from below resources.


Solution 4:

Found keyspaces command lists down all the keyspaces. I think earlier when I tried this command, I forgot to give last 's' in 'keyspaces'