What does cheat mode do and how can I activate it?

In Kittens game, there is apparently a cheat mode.

How does one activate cheat mode? What does it let you do? Is there any penalty for activating it?

Solution 1:

There is no 'real' cheat mode. You'll get this achievement when you click 2500 times in a minute. TO do that, you'll have to use an auto-clicker, which is 'cheating'. source (hover over the first 'spoiler' and check the link in the lower left).

You can also read there that there is no real consequence. You'll get the bad achievement, just like:

Let kittens die

but nothing game-changing happens (right now).

Solution 2:

There is not a cheat mode. You're most likely referring to the achievement which mentions one; which can be obtained by

using an autoclicker to gather catnip at inhuman speeds.