What do I do when I'm blind?

Solution 1:

There are a few ways to cure intrinsic blindness - that is, blindness not from being blindfolded, cream pies, venom or applying cursed towels.

  • You can wait for it to heal - this can take a few turns if the blindness was caused by eating rotten food or being hit by a potion of blindness, but will take many hundreds of turns if you quaffed a potion of blindness. Having read cursed/difficult spellbook takes quite a bit of turns too. If you do have to wait it out, make sure you have a good amount of food.
  • Apply a unicorn horn
  • Invoke the Staff of Aesculapius
  • Eat a carrot.
  • Cast a spell of cure blindness or extra healing.
  • Drink a potion of extra healing, potion of full healing or non-cursed potion of healing.
  • Praying to your god may help, but be aware that blindness is only considered a minor problem.
  • Astral vision does not cure blindness, but allows you to see despite it.
  • Extrinsic blindness, from cream pies, venom or applying cursed towels, can be cured by waiting, wiping your face using the #wipe command, applying a noncursed towel, or prayer.
  • Telepathy is very useful for dealing with blindness.
  • Searching reveals whether or not there are adjacent monsters. Repeated search (n 50 s) will be interrupted by adjacent monsters or blindness going away, which is useful when waiting for sight to return.

Otherwise, you can remove whatever it is that is blindfolding you. Having a cursed blindfold or towel stuck to your face is considered a major problem, so if it is safe to pray, your god is likely to help you out of this predicament.

If you need any more help with blindness, look here.