I would like to be able to define arbitrary keyboard shortcuts in Firefox, including overriding some of the already built-in shortcuts (such as Ctrl + W to close a tab).

How can I accomplish this? I've found a few plug-ins that add specific additional short cuts, but none that are fully editable. I also couldn't find anything in any of the options menu to do so, though I'd be surprised if this was a feature that was built-in.

For reference (if needed): Firefox 3.0.12 CentOS 5.2

Use the Keyconfig addon

This extension will provide core functions for keyboard operation.

  • Scrolling
  • Tab Focusing
  • Frame Focusing
  • Finding
  • Copy URL
  • Clear HTTP Auth

Combining with keyconfig extension, you can set any shortcut key to these functions simply. If you operate Firefox by keyboard mainly, this extension will help you.

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