How to move the paddle in pong? Bit.Trip Beat's Growth Boss keeps defeating me

Solution 1:

I had a hell of a time with this boss too, but I think the best advice I can give you is to try to hit the ball as close to the edge of your own paddle as possible, this sends it back at a sharper angle, and since the boss has a fixed movement speed, it's difficult for it to get to it in time.

If you're playing on PC, also make sure that you've disabled vsync in the options, that made a huge difference for me, much easier to get my paddle into the right position, for some reason.

Solution 2:

This is going to sound really nuts, but have you tried reducing your mouse speed? A lower mouse speed may help you be more precise with the paddle.

Solution 3:

Don't chase the dot.

While it seems like the best way to hit the dot right on the extremity (an almost guaranteed score), it just doesn't work. Just place the paddle aiming for that dot (conservatively) and if you don't score right away, keep at it. Eventually you'll hit it on the extremity without even trying and score.

Also, playing in fullscreen helped. Somehow, just having a bigger window helped me react better to the flow of the game once the ball starts moving really quickly.

Finally — it gets easier. The more the boss is segmented, the easier it is to handle. Don't despair!