Need Reminder Application to notify every X minutes during the day

Can one advise an application that can notify me each 1 hr 30 minutes during the day (let's say I can specify it to be from 10 AM till 11 PM). I've tried Alarmed, Beep me, AidaReminder but all of them can not handle this simple task with almost no effort of the user.

The point is: if I want to arrange my everyday life and get used to:

  • Take pills at certain time
  • Smoke just 1 time in 2.5 hr
  • Have meals at a certain time
  • Take work breaks once in every 45 minutes that are lasting for 10 minutes
  • Plan to go to a gym every 3 days
  • Go to swimming pool every 2 days
  • Pay rent every 15th day of every month
  • etc.

I know most there is a calendar and simple alarm for most of those tasks, for productivity at work there is pomodoro technique, for tasks like repeating an event (let's say allowing me to smoke once in 2.5 hr) I still have not found a good solution.

I want everything to be in one place. I need an app that I can say:

  • Repeat event every 2 hours 25 minutes from 10 AM to 4 PM
  • Remind me to pay rent every 15th day at 10 AM
  • After every 45 minutes ask me to take an action and go to a 10 minutes break, notify when break is over and ask me to take action to get back to the work or postpone

Is there any good app that meet those exact problems?

Disclaimer: I've read the tour and I've found this question might be considered as falling into category of Questions that are primarily opinion-based, but I want to point this out: I've listed exact application responsibilities, so that's it: the application is meet the requirement or not, no place for subjectivity.

Take a look at Due. It has a Mac version as well, and I've not seen a more powerful timer app.