Has a term emerged yet as the main one to refer to people who insist that COVID 19 is not real? [closed]

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a couple of acquaintances on Facebook telling us how we're all being fooled and that COVID-19 is not real, or is just an average flu, etc.

Are people already favouring one term to refer to such people over other possible variations?

Here are some but not all possibilities:

  • Covid denier?
  • Coronavirus sceptic?
  • Covid denialist?
  • covidiot?
  • Corona unbeliever?

One of these or something else? No clear leading term so far?

Denialism has been used for another disease: HIV.

HIV/AIDS denialism is the belief, contradicted by conclusive evidence, that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does not cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

The people who engage in denialism are called denialists.

In 2000, South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki invited several HIV/AIDS denialists to join his Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel.

Paul Krugman, in his imitable style, has a NYT Op-ed piece entitled "Covid-19 Brings Out All the Usual Zombies: Why virus denial resembles climate denial." Source

Other terms may emerge, as the pandemic is still nascent.