Upgrade org-mode with Aquamacs

As is asked and answered in here, Aquamacs has the org-mode that is pretty old, and there are some problems with capturing.

How can I upgrade the org-mode with Aquamacs? Is it OK just copy lisp/*.el to somewhere?

You can put the .el files pretty much where you want to, but you'll need to add the directory to your emacs load-path with something like:

(setq load-path (cons "~/path/to/orgdir/lisp" load-path))

Stick that in your .emacs file.

There's more info on the org-mode installation page.

Let me summarize the steps I carried out eventually, to use the package manager. Note, I am using emacs 23 based editor which was shipped with org-mode 6.33.

Install the package manager

  • Download the packages.el file from here. Save in in ~/Library/elisp for example.
  • Add the following code to the .emacs:

    (setq load-path (cons "~/Library/elisp" load-path)) (require 'package) (package-initialize)


To verify this part, in emacs hit M-x list-packages RET org. Here you should see a list of optional packages. Note: you may ignore the warning: failed to download org-mode archive.

Updating org-mode

  • Enter the list-packages Hit M-x list-packages RET.
  • In there mark for installation by i the org package and the x for the actual installation.

    Restart emacs


Hit M-x locate-library RET org to verify the installation. You should now have org-mode up and running.